latex mattress topper - how do you clean a mattress topper?

How Do You Clean an Organic Mattress Topper? 🛌😷

Organic mattress toppers have become a well-liked addition to your bedroom over the years, as it helps protect your mattress from any stains, dirt, or more. However, what if your mattress topper gets dirty? It is important to maintain its quality, especially since organic mattress topper are made with all-natural raw materials. In this guide, we'll go through the steps on maintaining your mattress topper. 


Basic Care

Vacuum: For basic care, a vacuum with a handheld attachment would be perfect to get rid of any dust, dirt, or allergens laying around on your mattress topper. Gently brush it on your organic mattress topper at the targeted areas.

Spotting Small Stains: To remove any small stains off your mattress topper, you can mix mild detergent and water together as a solution to get rid of the stains. To avoid damaging the topper, gently blot it with a clean cloth to remove small stains. By doing this, you also want to avoid making the topper wet, as traces of mold or mildew may grow if you do not dry it up properly.

Deodorize: If you want to deodorize your mattress topper because of its scent, sprinkle some baking soda evenly across your mattress pad and let it sit on the surface overnight to absorb the odor. After, use your vacuum again to clean up the baking soda residue.


Deep Cleaning

Vacuum: To get rid of any spills or accidents that may have happened, you need to deep clean your mattress topper. Start by vacuuming off dust and allergens, and then continue with these additional steps.

Cleaning Large Spots: Instead of using a mild detergent and water, mix equal parts white distilled vinegar and water for a deep cleaning solution. After that, put the solution into a spray bottle and spray across the affected areas. Blot off any excess moisture the vinegar solution may have created with a clean towel or cloth.

Deodorize: After that, you can sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda evenly across your mattress topper and allow it to rest overnight to absorb the vinegar order the solution may have left behind on the topper. 



It is important to keep your topper dry after any level of cleaning to maintain it. If your mattress topper is not properly dried, mildew and mold may grow, which is dangerous for you and your topper. As a result, allow your mattress topper to fully dry off outside in a shaded area. 

Organic Textiles Difference

At Organic Textiles, we create 100% GOTS CERTIFIED organic latex mattress toppers that can be easily cared for and maintained. The pin-hole open-cell design on our mattress toppers prevent any dirt, dust, and allergens to rest on your topper, minimizing the need to vacuum every few months. In addition, our latex mattress topper offers the best durability and have been designed to maintain its shape and support for years. Try our organic latex mattress topper today for an enhanced upgrade for your sleep!




Organic Latex Mattress Topper Collection

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